SERVICES // General Design //
PTSSR Design Team can perform the design works of any complexity. The specialists of all required design sections form the Design Team. Company employees regularly attend seminars and courses to upgrade skills.
List of works:
- Reference design
- General design:
- 2.1. Development of project stage P
- Section 1: Explanatory note.
- Section 2: Land plot layout.
- Section 3: Architectural solutions.
- Section 4: Structural and space-planning solutions.
- Section 5: Information on engineering equipment, engineering networks, and so on.
- Section 6: Construction method statement.
- Section 7: Plan for organization of demolition work and desmantling of buildings and structures.
- Section 8: List of measures for environment protection.
- Section 9: List of measures to ensure fire safety.
- Section 10: Measures to ensure access for disabled persons.
- Section 10.1: Requirements for the safe operation of capital structures.
- Section 11: Construction estimate.
- Section 11.1: List of measures to ensure compliance with the requirements of energy efficiency and requirements on equipment of buildings and structures with metering devices of energy resources used.
- Section 12.1: Activities on Civil Defense and Emergencies.
- Section 12.2: Anti-terrorism measures.
- 2.2. Development of project stage R.
- 3. Field supervision.
Licensed software improves the efficiency of the design process, provides the high quality and tight terms of work execution by quick implementation of all amendments in documentation.